In a nutshell
FTC Power Play (Season 7, 2022-2023), in a nutshell: ingenuity, excitement, interaction and innovation. The previous season combined these 4 aspects in its theme: placing cones (that are initially on the ground) on junctions of different heights. All teams showcased their robot-building and control skills, along with the competitive and collaborative spirit of the allied teams.
This season has prepared many surprises, failures and opportunities for us. From the disappointment and despair of seeing the robot fail, to the successful completion of the team’s latest projects:
- Plant Assistant
- FTC Remastered
- An article in the high school magazine, “Hronica”
- An article in BRD’s internal magazine
- Meetings to popularize robotics among high school students.
The atmosphere behind the scenes
Reporter from behind the scenes of the regionals and nationals: the atmosphere was one of the warmest - when the students were having fun together both outside and inside the field. Exciting - when the teams composed songs, when drums and vuvuzelas were heard to encourage those assigned to control the robots. Impatience - when students were eagerly holding their breaths for the results which will decide their fate in the competition.